Alison Mosshart

Not sure what it is but for years i've always been fascinated by lasses that either play guitar or front a band, and if they are brunette then i am sold. And Mosshart fits the bill, unreal. Now to be fair i'm not a massive kills fan, although i respect that they are very good musicians. But, the dead weather are a different propositon altogether i reckon. Now, Horehound has taken its fair share of criticism over the past month but at the end of the day the media love being controversial, its how they sell, in any industry this is the case, and has been for as far back as robin hood, so take it with a pinch of salt. I do.
Anyways i fucking love their album and have not stopped listening to it since i purchased it. Proper drawn into it from the first guitar note of 60 feet tall, its that groove! I love blues, real soul music and this album is smothered by the underlying blues tones, even when they rock out.
Its been said the band won't last, i personally hope they do.
Back to Mosshart. Cool as fuck. Cooler than Kate Moss, and Moss knows it. Deep down she would love to be a rockstar, but just hasn't got the voice. Hence her fleeting cameos on various bands albums but she could never hold her own in the rock business, not like Mosshart! Fair enough Moss might look good on a catwalk, but in my opinion you judge a woman on 3 things. Can she sing? Can she play guitar? Is she a brunette?
Mosshart 3 out of 3. Thats good enough for me.
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