Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A week off!

Its been a long time coming, i know that much. Life has been hectic recently and its somewhat enlightening (i'll let you work that one out) to just take a step back and survey all that i have done and also own. Its also dangerous. Time to calm down they say, time for you to fuck off i say.

Long days, late nights, all part of young life without doubt. Its midweek when it all catches up though for me, thats why a few bevvies after training on a wednesday lightens the load for real! In fact a bevvie every day after work does the job more efficiently. It certainly did last week, 20+ hours overtime means two weekends of offside behaviour to come.

I have got right back into clobber recently after a break away, Shadow Goretex on the way, fucking beautiful i tell you!


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