Going out for "a few"
Why does it never happen that way?
Everyone has the right intentions, in their own mind. To others, they are alcoholics. Without people actually being alert to the fact alcohol is extremely addictive, as soon as that first drink passes the epiglottis one has signed a contract with the devil and they take the effects very much for granted. They then end up abusing their bodies as a result. Which, in turn, creates a bitter hindsight that inspires an abundance of new manifestos in said persons life. Its nailed on those exact manifestos will be violated the following weekend.
The controls are there to prevent it, but why prevent it? Life's too short is usually the explanation. And as the years pass this cliche becomes so much more relevant, because its an evidently valid point. As one gets older there is a certain level of expectancy with their behaviour thats grows side by side with the amount of oxygen consumed. Of course one will be experienced, more mature, more socially involved , more politically aware, more financially backed, physically robust, spiritually found. But this does not mean they have to act a certain way, which in many avenues of society this "template" of adult decorum is naturally expected in this day and age, one could even say its an institution.
Get to bed. Get the most out of life the way you want to, not the way someone dictates to you. Life with rules is a monotonous life, no character, no danger. Too many people in the 21st century choose the safe life, never ever leave their comfort zone. What kind of way is that to live, how do know what you like if you don't sample the unexplored? Its a naive and ignorant outlook on life and is rather annoying, but each to their own and all that. The main thing is these "safe" people are the very same dictators of the expected adult conduct, yet they haven't the slightest idea of what the other side of life is like. Ludicrous, I said its bloody fucking ludicrous!
And back around to the few pints. It always turns into a heavy session, and always leads to a disgraceful state of affairs. Morals vanish, dignity compromised, soul unplugged, feelings encroached.
But isn't that why we do it?
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