Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poetic forrays of decisive experimentation

A couple of years ago i was bored. Bored of the same faces, the same vaginas, the same clubs, the same drugs, the same fruitless seasons following Newcastle United FC, the same daily routine and most importantly the same wall to piss my money up. So, in my quest for something outside the box i decided to write. Its always been something that has interested me from an early age, english being my favourite subject right the way through school. They say a picture tells a thousand words, well 500 words can tell the same story but so much more fucking interestingly.

I picked up a pen and suddenly found a new lease of life, it was a turning point in my life and haven't really looked back since then. Until today, when i've found those poems i've written. Having read through them some of them make sense, some of them don't but the underlying message on the whole is freedom, and how we all need it to excel and fulfil our purpose for being alive.

Toyed with the idea of writing them up and putting them up on here, can't really be hassled with it at the moment though but it will definately happen. Its not a question of if but when.

There's always tommorow.

No suprises, still somewhat downheartening

Oasis are no more, well without Noel G there wouldn't be any point would there? Will be interesting to see what the rest of the band do from here on in. The one dissapointing thing about it is the fact they never finished the world tour, and have finished on a somewhat sour note. I've got a feeling this isn't the last we've seen from the band though, not sure why.
What i do know is i grew up with the band, its been like a soundtrack to my young life and there hasn't been another band in this country, maybe the world, to match them for me. People talk bollocks about how they only produced 2 good albums, fuck off with your cliched nonsense please, thanks.
If you sat and listened through every fucking thing the band has done from the start to the
finish, b-sides the lot you'd see how good they actually were. Heathen Chemistry is a blinding album, the tracks acoustically are unbelievable and its never really had the credit it deserves. Musically it pisses all over definitely maybe, without doubt.

Its now ime for Noel to shine solo.

Cheers for the memories lads.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The summer of....

Taken opportunites. I took one to put some of my cd wallet in action, just a FEW trance tunes i've been playing in recent months/weeks. Nice change from techno definitively. Recording this has cemented the conclusion in my mind that i've knew all along really, j'adore trance.

Markus Schulz presents Dakota - Roxy '84 - Coldharbour
Alex Kunnari - Last Sunrise - In trance we trust
Temple one presents Tu Casa - Betelgeuse - Enhanced
Push - Free time - Armada
Fast Distance presents Ka Mui - Masamune - Dimension balaeric mix - Shah music digital
Milan Lieskovsky - Formal resistance - Tenishia mix - Progrez
John O' Callaghan ft Lo-fi Sugar - Never fade away - Guiseppe Ottaviani mix - Armind
Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Atlantic wind - Dimitry Bessonov mix - Green martian Belgium
Shaun Ansari - Vertigo - Up beat Music
Ciaran Mcauley - Paradigm - Armada
Paul Rigel - Warsaw - Oen Bearen mix - Only one
ReOrder presents Group number one - Flight to Soul - Silent Shore
Redd Square - Digital acoustics - Onova mix - Monster tunes
Dave Aude & Christopher Lawrence ft Jen Lasher - Lie to ourselves - Lasher Matt breakdown mix - Audacious
Stephen Force - Across the sky - Oen Bearen sky blue mix - Only One
Kamil Polner - Soul cure - Rozza's cured mix - Alter ego Pure
ReOrder - Deese Sofia - Infrasonic
Arisen Flame - If I Let you go - Actuate
Trance Arts ft Claire Willis - All I need to know - Dereck Recay mix

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Its common knowledge that..

Contacts get you a long way in this day and age, and i have quite a few let me tell you. So, when it comes to getting something i want it doesn't prove too difficult. The main obstacle though is money. As with everything(well more or less), the more you have the more you consume. But when it comes to bootlegs, rarities unreleased tunes, mixes or recordings i usually don't have to pay a thing.

Now i am always one for buying music and albums because there has always been a feeling of reward for putting that effort in when purchasing music. Maybe its the feeling of righteousness, maybe its a feeling that you are giving something back to an industry that has brought you some of the best nights and cataclismic experiences of your life so far? I know if was an artist/producer(i can produce but haven't got the time at this point in my life) then i'd want people to pay for my work, at the end of the week this is a living and everyone has to make one.

Well, if you've bought Humbug then some of that should apply to you!

Heres a bootleg for you to maasage your lobes with, the Monkeys on form that is a given.

Arctic Monkeys - Live at Cologne Church

1. My Propeller
2. Red Right Hand
3. If You Were There, Beware
4. Crying Lightning
5. Potion Approaching
6. Pretty Visitors
7. Still Take You Home
8. I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
9. Only Ones Who Know
10. Brianstorm
11. This House Is A Circus
12. Dangerous Animals
13. The View From The Afternoon
14. Cornerstone
15. Fluorescent Adolescent
16. Secret Door

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Best fucking live song i have ever heard

But this version is different class.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New music?

From Noel Gallagher. Needs to release a solo album, and as soon as possible preferably.

There's been a handful of new tunes appear in soundchecks on the Dig out your soul tour, my favourite is probably "Eveybody's on the run".

"If i had a gun" sounds good aswell.

Another new Oasis song has appeared online, not the best quality sound so can't really make a judgement, lyrics are decent.

The unidentified track was recorded by a fan during the soundcheck from a show in Hong Kong.

The song, which features just Noel Gallagher, can be heard in the video above.
Lyrics for the song:

Bye bye my family, I’m leaving
I’m gonna face all the stars in the sky
While I’ll be gone, don’t stop dreaming
Don’t be shy, don’t cry
Cos lazy days and sunny rays that guide me
Back home to where I belong If God gives me grace
Then he will find me a space
So now I hope I’ll be singing this song

Get one out Noel son!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I recieved some great news this week

The deadweather, DJ Yoda and Ian Brown are all on in town.

My gig diary is suddenly looking very fucking healthy.

The great lost single

such an unreal tune that has never had the credit it deserves in my opinion!

The Nucastle Podcast Presents : Anecdote: Monday 31st August @ Tokyo bar newcastle

Looking forward to this!

I've always loved a good party when its for a good cause.

The Nucastle Podcast Presents : Anecdote
Bank holiday Monday 31st August
@ Tokyo terrace , Newcastle
4pm - 1am
£4 on the door
All money will be donated to Marie curie cancer care.

August Techno part Dos

Right, another day another mix. It seems i am knocking up mixes at every available opportunity at the minute, i've done about 5 techno in the last month. All for my own listening of course, the thing is, i've bought ALOT of trance over the past month or so, but i prefer to record my techno mixes more for some reason? I am actually into trance just as much if not more so its a strange one ain't it?

Anyways thought i'd upload this.I done one the other day which was two hours in length but the last ten minutes recorded quietly so scrapped it.Got a bit schranzy towards the end, too much drink not enough sleep usually concludes in the hard techno making an appearance! Heres the mix. A mix of old and new, a small tribute to Keep on techno records, a lean towards dave clarkes style and finished off with some pounding frequencies from the Liberator!

Miche - Glyceride - Lucky R.D.U mix
Filterheadz - Yimanya
Ivan Devero - Piratas de Madrid
Bob D - Juanita
Mark Ankh - Ankhology
Mash - Beat of my heart - Thermo mix
Aka Carl - Over lab
DJ Cristiao - Good vibes
Marco woods & Dj Ganez - Dance lovers
Dj Rush - My palazzo - Masters of disaster mix
Omar Guevara - Kryptonite
Prude Polly - Double dutchin' - Elton D & Snoo mix
Arkus P - Hated
Raul Mezcolanza - Bailar (Vocal version)
Fer Br & Lucky R.D.U - Plastic freak
Umberto Carmignani - The outsider
Hristian Stojanowski - Don't that
Jel Ford - People Say
Ben Sims - The Basics
Joey Beltram - Time Warp
Chris Liberator & Sterling Moss - The cult

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday morning

football can be harsh but it can also be very rewarding in more ways than one. The first game of the season yesterday seen me shown a red card and our team robbed of at least a point. You just can't get the referees these days!

Life goes on.

Same old Shola

always scoring.

I was well happy sitting in St James' seeing 3 goals go in on saturday evening, after all the bollocks that has been said off the field its good to see some football again, after all, this is what it is all about, not how many fucking pies you can get in your mouth at once. Eh mike?

As pleased as i was there was something remarkably different about the winning feeling, if that was a premiership game the place would be buzzing. But as it was it just felt like a run of the mill game and we'd won 1-0, i suppose it will take a good few games to realise what life is like in a lower division compared to the heady heights of the top 2 in the premier league. Time for the club as a whole to stand up, be counted and haul themselves back to where we fucking belong.

There's not enough...

hours in a day to update this like i'd want to at the minute. So much going on yet no time to talk!

I'll find time though, i always do!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

A mix i done

a couple of months ago now for Peaking FM, only for it to go missing, not once but twice!

Vortechtral - Steppin
Alejandro Roman - Burro Bomba
A.Paul - Independance - Industrialyzer remix
Eimmot - Groove - Spiros Kaloumenos remix

Friday, August 07, 2009


I was watching and reading the news yesterday and seen the coverage of the passing of the last remaining foot soldier on our shores from the 1st world war, Mr Harry Patch. Now, for many this would have mean't absolutely nothing to them and i can actually understand and comprehend this because it was such a long time ago. But if these same people had actually watched footage, read anything, or understand one iota of the history of our country and our army and STILL felt nothing then i don't honestly believe they are human. It brought a tear to my eye watching the memorial service and the old footage of the heroes in the trenches during what was the bloodiest and costly war of them all. For Harry to live 80 years and keep all the things and terror he witnessed to himself is a triumph in itself. The bloke lived his life like any normal person would, feeling that he never needed to expose any of his personal traumas because no-one would understand, well i'm guessing that was the reason. If it wasn't for Harry Patch and his colleagues' bravery i would not be sitting here typing this, or i might be but with a handle bar mustache, eating a frankfurter, drinking becks, wearing white socks with sandles and a bum bag, next to my deckchair with a towel over it, in german language. So for that i will always be eternally grateful. RIP Harry.

Alison Mosshart

Not sure what it is but for years i've always been fascinated by lasses that either play guitar or front a band, and if they are brunette then i am sold. And Mosshart fits the bill, unreal. Now to be fair i'm not a massive kills fan, although i respect that they are very good musicians. But, the dead weather are a different propositon altogether i reckon. Now, Horehound has taken its fair share of criticism over the past month but at the end of the day the media love being controversial, its how they sell, in any industry this is the case, and has been for as far back as robin hood, so take it with a pinch of salt. I do.

Anyways i fucking love their album and have not stopped listening to it since i purchased it. Proper drawn into it from the first guitar note of 60 feet tall, its that groove! I love blues, real soul music and this album is smothered by the underlying blues tones, even when they rock out.

Its been said the band won't last, i personally hope they do.

Back to Mosshart. Cool as fuck. Cooler than Kate Moss, and Moss knows it. Deep down she would love to be a rockstar, but just hasn't got the voice. Hence her fleeting cameos on various bands albums but she could never hold her own in the rock business, not like Mosshart! Fair enough Moss might look good on a catwalk, but in my opinion you judge a woman on 3 things. Can she sing? Can she play guitar? Is she a brunette?

Mosshart 3 out of 3. Thats good enough for me.

Ian Brown - My Way

new album and single:

Ian Brown has revealed the artwork for his brand new single “Stellify” which is from his highly anticipated album “My Way.”

The cover which you can see above features a bunch of roses with some being hooped through a tambourine and is set for release September 21st. The album will follow a week later on the 28th.

There seems to be a few Stone Roses references throughout the album including some of the following lyrics: “Sing the song and bang the drum/Feel the need and just believe/The best is yet to come/I really should have told ya/I really wanna hold ya/You know you won’t miss your water till the well runs dry.

“But when the bombs begin to fall/I didn’t do it for the Roses/As I was striding 10 feet tall/Well that’s another story/For the glory.”

You can listen to Stellify online at Ian Brown’s official website now.

Looking forward to it like always...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

CP Company

Is it worth £1200?

We've been asking this question since early summer of last year, the day they hit the UK is getting closer and i know a few lads who have ordered them. Will be interesting to see them in person, there is no doubt the design is one of the best SPW has made in years, not sure about the price though! Are they as limited in numbers as 4marketing reckon too? we'll see!

On the score of SI, seen the waxed ice in person today and my word its unreal! Saving up as we speak.....

Fuck me its £1500 on the official site and folk ain't happy with it, i hope for SPW's sake this isn't a fail because it will take the shine off a piece of fashion history thats for sure!

August Techno

Nuke – La Flauta - Reset
Cubanito – Club life – Disturbulence records
DJ Nat & DJ Link – Impressions – David Moleon mix - Amigos
Vigil Coma – Techno Opera – Kali mix – Unaffected
Ian Void & Martin Hare present The risen – Break it down – Vortechtral mix – Intravenous cuts
Boriqua Tribez – On da rock - Basics
Fer Br – Good things – Soul access
Giacome Stallone & Rantan – Intensive attack - Undershape
Wehbba vs Darkrow – Burella master - Innova
Unknown – Requiem for a dream – Vortechtral bootleg – CDR promo
Lucky RDU – Stop and go – CDR promo
Fatima Haji – Rellenito – FDR mix – False Dawn
Sound Terrorist DJZ – Hexaline - Kamikaze
Marcelinho – Made in chaka – Budai & Vic mix - Travels
Ian Void vs Pete Vaydex & Josh Love – Fucking fresh beats – Carl Falk mix - Techment
Mario R – E-samba – Vortechtral mix - Prozak
Technasia – Fusin' – Music man Belgium
F-reaky – Yellow base – Reaky bootleg – CDR promo
Christian Fischer & DJ Murphy – Slave – Planet Natus
Cave – M47 - Reset
Aitor Ronda – Deseo – CDR Bootleg
Miche & Mirzinho – Lutetium - Hydraulix

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Social clubs

Are where us working class beings belong.

Fuck your coffee shops, fuck your wine bars, fuck your 2for1 gay bars. Give me pint of LCL, a packet of crabsticks from colins seafood bloke, a bingo card and a fucking quality conversation about world war II over those pretentious joints any day of the week.

CIU, we salute you.


Its late

and i need some sleep, unfortunately i can't be arsed to sleep! Had on a second, this is a dodgy situation to be fair! What category does this put me in then, because some might say i'm lazy, but if i was lazy i'd be in bed already wouldn't i after lying in there all day? But i'm not, because its been a very busy day, i've been all over the shop and my neck is burnt off the sun, proper stinging like fuck! Maybe this is putting me off going to sleep, maybe its not. I need to stick a reminder on my phone to pick up some calamine lotion tomorrow to sooth my worries. Loved that stuff since i was a youngin, couple of dabs of the white wonder and all conflicts just disappear. Maybe they should send a tank load over to iraq and afghanistan and rub it on each other?

Back to the category, if i'm not lazy then what am i, an insomniac? Can't be that either, get to sleep well every night, usually aided by at least 5-6 bottles of grolsch.

I actually love sleep to be honest, its one of lifes great luxuries and its for fucking free! Well in reality it isn't because you have to buy beds, duvets,sheets,pillows, pyjamas and condoms(anyone seen the price of these lately? no, neither have i). Always hated them, try to avoid them at all costs but on occasion they are a must when living in gateshead...

So i'm not an insomniac, i'm not lazy, well why can't i be arsed to go to bed then? Yes i know why! Curb your enthusiasm, thats why. Sat through the last 2 seasons tonight, what a proverbial crease man! Season 7 starts in september in america, hopefully online then aswell.

Ah fuck it, i'm off to bed. Work in the morning, i'm doing it again. I go through periods where everything said reminds me of lyrics in a song, and that sentence there reminded me of the coral.

Belated welcome

Should have done this first!

Welcome to my blog, designed for when i am bored and feel like doing something productive. Basically its a blank canvas to fill up with whatever is interesting me at the time, so you could see anything up on here, and i mean ANYTHING. Its in its early stages like but has the scope to become one of the most talked about topics in todays society, we'll see!

It's not personal, son. It's strictly business.


Found this on my hard drive while searching for an old stooges album. Just one of several podcasts i put together a while back, i'll search for the others and get them uploaded at some point. Some great music within the 2hours20minutes running time. At the time i was being influenced heavily by the 60's period and still am in alot of ways, such timeless music. Get your rocks off!

Inspiral carpets - The dreams we have
The Beatles - Lucy in the sky with diamonds
The Kinks - Dedicated follower of fashion
The Pretty things - Rosalyn
The Who - Long live rock
Bob Dylan - Simple twist of fate
Neil Young - Mr Soul
The Small faces - What cha' gonna do about it
The Velvet underground - Heroin
The Stooges - I wanna be your dog
The Specials -Rat race
UB40 vs 808 State - One in ten
The Farm - Groovy train
The Smiths - How soon is now
The Stone Roses - Sally cinnamon
Oasis - Do ya wanna be a spaceman (The Coral version)
The Jam - Running on the spot
Free Peace - May You Live In Interestin' Times
The Chords - Maybe tomorrow
The Vortex - Revolution sometime
Black Grape - Kelly's Heroes
Beck - Nausea
Queens of the stone age - No one knows (UNKLE mix)
Kasabian - L.S.F. (Jagz Kooner Mix)
Primal scream - Exterminator (Massive attack mix)
The prodigy ft Liam & Noel Gallagher - Guns
Sonic Youth - Kool thing
Oasis - Stay young
The Raconteurs - Five on five
Mando Diao - Give me fire
Wolfmother - Pyramid
The Music - Drugs
The last shadow puppets - The chamber
Doves - Words
Cast - History
Kings of leon - Head to toe
The Charlatans - Feeling holy
The verve - Sun, the sea
Boards of canada - Left side drive

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

A tribute to copa mundials.

Absolute classic that has stood the test of time, and in my honest opinion will be at the forefront of footballing footwear for many years to come without doubt.

We salute you.

Classic techno

A mix put together with 2 1210's and a cdj 100, also while under the positive influence that is jack daniels...


Umek – Libido - Technika
Paul Mac – Technique & styles - Ingoma
Chris Mccormack – Skyline - Materials
Joey Beltram – The alien chamber (Beyonder part 2) - STX
Wilko – Gorilla pimp - Purples
Mark Williams – A DJ's groove - Flux
Christian Varella – Taruntan – PV recordings
Brothers Yard – Arkay – PV recordings
Victor Simonelli – Bateria Latin impressions – Ben Sims Hardgroove mix – Flux
Cari Lekebusch – Skarume max peezay – Kaun Trax
Umek – Lanicor – Consumer recreation
Joel Mull – Proceed – Inside
Adam Beyer – E6 – Not on label
Incognito Project – Dojaja – Bassethound recordings
Alexander Koning – Temper tonic – Ignition Technician mix - Bassethound recordings
Sterac – Completed – ION
Richie Hawtin – Orange minus EP – A1 Untitled – M_nus
Andrew Mclauchlan – Love story – Bush
Olivier Giacomotto & Alec Marqx – Dial T for techno – Iturnem
Tom Hades – R47 – Rhythm Convert
Robert Armani – Zip Bomb – Matrix
Daisychain – Mamasei – Special series
Echoplex – Magnetic share of wonders – End to end
Marco Bailey & Redhead – Untitled – Purples
Patrick Dubois – End of line – Extraball
Speedy J & Chris Liebing – Drippelzimmer - Novamute
Christian Smith & John Selway – Titan – Bugged Out

Sir Bobby Robson

I thoroughly enjoyed the England v Germany charity game last week, such a fitting way to celebrate Sir Bob's life and contribution to world football. I was happy Bobby made it to the match aswell, battling through with the spirit he showed all the way through his wonderful life. A few photos from the game.

So, to Sir Bobby.

What a character, what a man, what an iconic figure.

The great bloke will always be remembered for his positive enthusiasm towards, not just football, but life as a whole.

RIP Bob, god bless your soul.