Friday, August 07, 2009


I was watching and reading the news yesterday and seen the coverage of the passing of the last remaining foot soldier on our shores from the 1st world war, Mr Harry Patch. Now, for many this would have mean't absolutely nothing to them and i can actually understand and comprehend this because it was such a long time ago. But if these same people had actually watched footage, read anything, or understand one iota of the history of our country and our army and STILL felt nothing then i don't honestly believe they are human. It brought a tear to my eye watching the memorial service and the old footage of the heroes in the trenches during what was the bloodiest and costly war of them all. For Harry to live 80 years and keep all the things and terror he witnessed to himself is a triumph in itself. The bloke lived his life like any normal person would, feeling that he never needed to expose any of his personal traumas because no-one would understand, well i'm guessing that was the reason. If it wasn't for Harry Patch and his colleagues' bravery i would not be sitting here typing this, or i might be but with a handle bar mustache, eating a frankfurter, drinking becks, wearing white socks with sandles and a bum bag, next to my deckchair with a towel over it, in german language. So for that i will always be eternally grateful. RIP Harry.


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